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Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved and discover the joy of giving. We believe no one is too poor to not be able to help another person, and that we all need one another to live joyful lives. Scroll below to find out how you can join us and become a member of our Community. It's more than volunteering!

Visit the homeless

Come with us to the streets of London to give sandwich, drinks and share a smile with someone living rough. We all need a comforting word sometimes, especially when we are going through a difficult time. Would you volunteer to be the one to make somebody's day?

Communicate the change

Are you a digital savvy person,? Do you have a great social media presence or would you like to put your organisational skills to the test? You could definitely help us at Sant'Egidio: we are looking for volunteers in these areas.

Join our choir

We need more singers to join our choir. We pray every week on Wednesday evening and we would love to hear from anyone who has little or a lot of experience singing or even playing an instrument. Do let us know if this is you.

Share a cuppa

Help us organise Our Cup of Tea, a three-course dinner event open to all where we share laughter, food and birthday celebrations! Whether you'll volunteer as part of the entertainment, tea & coffee or the serving team, a lovely chat with an older person is guaranteed!

Friend on Wheels

We need helpers who could accompany our older guests to and from our free monthly dinner called Our Cup of Tea and allow us to break down the barriers of loneliness and isolation. If you are a good driver with a big heart, let us know.

Cook for others

Sign up as a helper within our kitchen team: every month we prepare a delicious meal for older people and the most vulnerable and hand it out for free to all. Be part of the incredible team behind the incredible food!

Stories from our members

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To glimpse the Kingdom in a Cup of Tea

"What Sant'Egidio teaches me is the humility to recognise that we are each poor in different ways, and that we each reap and sow mercy, kindness, love, prayer and peace. Guests and volunteers, hungry and thirsty, come together to be filled, in God's grace."
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Call us: 07342464470

Part of the greater family of the Community of Sant'Egidio spread throughout the world, Sant'Egidio London meets regularly to foster friendship and peace.

Find out more about Sant'Egidio worldwide at

© 2024 Community of Sant'Egidio UK Charitable Trust

Registration Number: 1018867

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