The Community of Sant'Egidio began in 1968 in Rome. It was born during the period following the Second Vatican Council from a desire to change the world by paying attention to people living in the peripheries, and be closer to them. Today, it is a movement of lay people counting more than 60,000 members, dedicated to peace, prayer, and service to the poor in more than 70 countries throughout the world. Find out more about the worldwide Community.
Sant'Egidio in London is part of the big family of the Community of Sant'Egidio and is made up of anyone who would like to make a difference in someone else's life in London. Most of its members, friends and helpers are students & young adults. The Community in London has built friendship with the homeless and the elderly in the areas of Kensington, Victoria, Mayfair, Ladbroke Grove, Gloucester road and beyond. We meet regularly for service and the prayer. Please feel free to find out more about what we do and contact us if you wish to join our services.

The small church of Sant'Egidio (St. Giles)
in Trastevere, Rome from which the Community takes its name.